Tooth Extractions

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Tooth extraction is considered the treatment of last resort in the event of damage or infection but is often a necessary component of maintaining your dental health in certain circumstances. Corbin Dental offers tooth extractions in our Bayside and Oyster Bay, NY dental offices. Dr. Richard and Dr. Bruce Corbin may recommend a tooth extraction for a range of reasons as part of aย general dental treatmentย plan, to maintain or restore the health and function of your smile.

Tooth extractions are needed for a number of different reasons. Two top reasons for tooth extractions are a severely damaged tooth or a dying decayed tooth.


  • Severe pain caused by an impacted (jammed, wedged, or crushed) tooth
  • Infected teeth or gums (tooth decay)
  • Risk of infection (surrounding a tooth or people with high-risk health issues such as cancer)
  • Gingivitis and Periodontal (Gum) disease
  • Overcrowding of teeth (teeth are too big for the mouth)
  • Advanced, significant decay or infection
  • Crowding of teeth, often as part of an orthodontic treatment plan
  • Extra teeth or a primary tooth blocking a permanent tooth
  • Wisdom teeth that are impacted or affecting the bite

There are two types of tooth extractions, simple and surgical. Both types of extractions are performed in our offices with either a local anesthetic or dental sedation. Simple extractions are the most common and involve the removal of a tooth that is visible above the gums. Surgical extractions are necessary when a tooth is impacted below the gums and your dentist has to create an opening to remove the tooth. This is most common with wisdom teeth.


The first step is to make you comfortable with appropriate sedation or a local anesthetic. We will gently clean the area where the tooth is to be removed and go over all steps in the process so you will be aware of what to expect.

As implied, a simple extraction is a relatively simple process and most patients are able to relax with a local anesthetic. For a simple extraction, your Corbin dentist will detach the ligaments that hold the tooth in the socket. Once released, the tooth is gently rocked back and forth until it is able to be easily removed. The socket is then packed with sterile gauze and we will provide instructions for changing the gauze and caring for the site for the next few days to facilitate optimal healing.

A surgical extraction will most likely require the use of surgical tools to open the gums above the tooth, remove it and close the gums with sutures. Even though it is a more involved procedure, many patients tolerate it well with a local anesthetic. We will discuss your needs and concerns prior to the extraction to ensure you feel relaxed during treatment.


You will experience some discomfort after the extraction. It may take a few days for you to recover. Dr. Corbin will provide you with aftercare instructions and prescribe painkillers to minimize your pain. Your rate of recovery depends on you following these tips:

  • Avoid rinsing or spitting for 24 hours after the extraction
  • After 24 hours, rinse your mouth with a salt and warm water solution
  • Change gauze pads before they become soaked with blood
  • Do not drink from a straw for 24 hours
  • Do not smoke
  • Eat soft foods only
  • Apply ice to the affected area to help keep down the swelling.
  • Brush and floss your teeth but be sure to avoid the extraction area


Are you looking for a reliable solution for tooth extraction and searching for ‘tooth extraction near me’ or ‘tooth extraction dentist’? Corbin Dental is your trusted choice! Our experienced team is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring a smooth procedure and a healthy smile.

Donโ€™t let dental issues hold you back. Call Corbin Dental today at 516-604-5074 to discover the benefits of toothย extraction and schedule your consultation. See what our satisfied patients have to say on Google Maps for Bayside and Oyster Bay!


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